17 février 2009

how to do your dishes like a passive-agressive maniac.

step one : 
take all your dishes out of the sink. put them on the counter.
step two:  
take the biggest bowl/pan you have to wash, put in all cutlery, forks, spoons and such.
step three: 
continue sorting: glasses go with glasses, mugs with mugs, cups with cups, bowls with bowls, plates with plates and so on and so forth. 
/!\ for expert maniacs only: you cand create sub-categories - desert plates, big bowls, small bowls wine glasses, forks etc, it all depends on the quantity of dishes to be washed.
step four: 
start with a category. plates for example. wash them one by one; put the back into the sink as you wash each plate.
step five: 
rinse your plates.
step six: 
put them to dry on a kitchen towel you have specifically spread over the counter.
step seven: 
continue,slowly and attentively, dish-category by dish-category, until you're done.

what's the use, you may ask...: PROCRASTINATION!

now go do you dishes little snowflakes, 
time is not on your side, it is against you.
so kill it.

1 commentaire:

Radu a dit…

that's how brits do it.