14 février 2009

things to write about

crisis as a state of normality. how does a state of crisis become the new normal order of one's life. how and when does this happen. can it still be called a crisis.does it end, if ever, and how.is one aware of it. does that change anything. does it have a meaning, while being normal.
crisis as a state of me.another ego-centered piece of writing trying to figure myself out. if possible. am i in crisis or is crisis in me. is there any way out. should there be a way out. does is all mean anything. should it. does it need to. do i need it to. is that good. where will/would it all lead to.can/should i overcome this.is it meant to be.
crisis as a sign of life.crisis as a painful, thus proof of being, experience.if crisis is chaos, then there is something that chaos can come upon. if chaos is what life should not be, then crisis is a negation, thus implies what is/should be. all negation is an affirmation of something else.truth lies in things that hurt. crisis hurts. 
crisis as a state of transition.pending ideas.
la crise et le cri.just how many things can one pull off from a silly game upon words.

exhibition reviews and analysis
venus in furs review.vendredi 13 fevrier 2009: apollon le devorateur.
hopes dreams and aspirations: still there?exactly that.
eloge de la souffrance pending project
schiele, bacon, l. freud, soutine. when flesh becomes meat, and it hurts.
anthropomorphic landscapes. it is all in the details.

grocery list.buy fruits(apples, cherries, oranges, grapes), milk, vegetables(tomatoes, potatoes, salad,broccoli, brussels sprouts), cheese, sour cream, bread, bread crumbs,orange juice,wine. and then let it all rot in the fridge and have some cornflakes instead.
to do list. wake up, brush you teeth, have a shower, have a coffee, do stuff, go places, sleep, sleep, sleep, think, sleep again, call your mom,complain about stuff, sleep again. lose this list and do nothing instead.

lists list.make lists of all things, categorizing everything by subject, cost, time needed, number of pages/words/characters/people involved. then make a list of all the lists, put it somewhere,somehow manage to lose it so you won't find the other lists. and start again.

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