yeah, that bad.
no, no butterflies in my stomach kind of reason, just - the holidays i guess. - well, there was a such a reason, but that's like soooo two weeks ago. and then there was venice. but it's still not that.
just itchy hands, some kind of positive nervousness (yes, that exists), some fear of the future (really, i'm clueless) but altogether, a great feeling of accomplishment coming out of : ikea diy.
yes, i just reassembled one of last year's trestles and made myself a...prolongement (?!?!) of my long suffering table. some of my books feel better (my flat is a meritocracy), my router catches dust from much higher(social evolution?), my diary is happy at last (because it's new, for now), my ashtray not in the way anymore.
and i feel like doing stuff ( no, not the dishes, i mean it)
and yeah, i don't only have bad days
and writing in english ( as this blog-thing-whatever is kinda messy language-wise) kind of keeps me away of any depressive draught - which, despite what some may think, is a good thing.
yeah, shit happens, what can i say.
(*getting back to the tudors --- errr jonathan rhys meyers*)